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More about XP

GoldenSword uses Experience Points (XP) to allow character progression. XP is awarded at by the GM to each player character. Adventures should yield approx 20 to 50 XP per session. This will allow a reasonable pace for character progression. We recommend the “everyone gets 50 XP” approach, rather than splitting hairs about “who did exactly what” and “who delivered the killing blow” and all that junk.

Spending XP

Players can the “spend” XP to “buy” character upgrades, such as improvements on attributes, skills, or spells.

Attributes 50 XP per point
Skill Upgrades 10 XP per level
New Skills add at the default skill level (as per the GM)
Spell upgrades (reducing difficulty) 1 XP per point
New Spells (learning) 1 XP per difficulty point

Optional Rules

Skill Usage XP Bonus - this is an OPTIONAL rule at the GM's discretion.

When a PC uses a skill (makes a skill roll) additional experience is gained specific to that skill. XP is rewarded but may only be used on upgrades for that particular skill. The amount of XP depends on the skill roll. On a critical success or a critical fail, the player learns a fair bit about the skill. On a marginal success or fail, the player learns a little bit about the skill.

Roll XP awarded
20 (critical success) 5 XP
(Required Roll to Succeed) 2 XP
(Required Roll to Succeed)-1 2 XP
1 (critical fail) 5 XP
goldensword/more_about_xp.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/03 16:26 by

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