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Time Spells

You manipulate time, bending it to suit your needs. Time may be altered respective to persons individually to great advantage in combat.

Detect Time

You have an acute sense of timing. You know exactly what time it is in relation to local timekeeping standards as well as geological & astronomical ones. For example, you know exactly how long until sundown and exactly how far you can walk in that time. Combining this spell with Detect Direction further reduces your chances of getting lost.

Time to Cast 3 seconds
Difficulty 5
MP cost 1
Duration precisely 60 minutes
Other player should be unaware of failed cast; character will still get a sense of time but it may be incorrect
Prerequisite none

Kairos Attack

Must be cast preemptively. Allows the caster to perform an Attack of Opportunity at some point today. Can be cast only once per day. The Attack must be performed at least 10 minutes after Kairos is cast. The Attack is a free attack, with +5 added to Attack Roll (using the character's normal combat skills). It does not use up a major or minor action and it can be played at any time, not just on the character's turn.

Time to Cast 30 seconds
Difficulty 10
MP cost 5
Power +5 attack
Duration until next sunrise
Prerequisite Detect Time, Detect Truth

Contra Vu

Contra Vu is a phenomenon that feels similar to “deja vu” - the caster experiences a strange feeling that the current moment has happened before. However, it includes a very important extra effect. The caster feels like the moment was slightly different the “last time”. In other words, it feels like “deja vu” but includes a “branching of time” with short foreknowledge. This allows the character to sense “remember what they did last time” with at least a small amount of insight into the results of that action. These “result insights” may be felt as either “how well it worked” or “what the result was”, (at GM's discretion). This gives the character the opportunity to act differently “this time”, hopefully resulting in better results.

While experiencing Contra Vu, the character must roll for PERCEPTION to be able to sense the difference, and then roll for REASON, to make a better choice from the “predetermined” sequence of events. The difficulty for these rolls will be determined by the GM; typical values are PER diff 5, REA diff 10.

Contra Vu can be cast pre-emptively, if the player suspects that a risky situation is impending. In this case, the phenomenon will be available to be triggered by either the player or the GM. This ready state typically lasts for a few hours, but can only be used once. That is to say, once it “kicks in” the effect is used up.

Due to the strangeness of time-bending, Contra Vu can also be cast retroactively, under certain constraints, namely: Contra vu can be requested by the player, immediately after any disastrous event experienced directly by that player’s character. The game master will determine the allowable length of time or number of turns to “jump back”. Normally this time is in the range of a several seconds to a few minutes. Retroactive casting is entirely at the discretion of the GM.

If both Perception and Reason rolls are successful, the spell succeeds. the entire scene must be replayed, beginning from the “Delta Point” (agreed upon by the player and GM) when the character is said to have entered the alternate timeline by making different choice.

Please note that this may be difficult to accurately implement, due to requiring more detailed information than may be recalled in order to determine HP states, etc at multiple exact moments through a scene. Therefore, all variables are at the discretion of the GM.

Contra Vu can only be used once per day per character (whether cast pre-emptively or retroactively).

Time to Cast 2 seconds (Major action)
Difficulty 20
MP cost 10
Duration a few seconds to a couple minutes (discretion of GM)
Range n/a
Prerequisite Kairos Attack, Detect Magic

Slow Time

Slows time by a factor of n, where n = (MP spent)/5. In other words, you pay 5*n to make time go at n times slower. This affects all characters, including the caster. But the caster alone is aware of the slowed nature of time. Essentially, this gives the caster extra time to think, plan, or even cast another spell.

If used during combat, this gives the caster only n Major actions and n minor actions per turn. A more even way to distribute these extra actions is to intersperse them with other player (and enemy) turns, I.E. the caster gets n turns per round, rather than n actions per turn.

Time to Cast 1 second (minor action)
Difficulty 10
MP cost 10 to 25
Power 2 to 5
Duration as long as necessary
Range 10 meters
Prerequisite Detect Time

Slow Opponent

Causes a single opponent to enter a slowed time state. His motions (including attacks (yes, even projectiles), defenses, etc) are slowed by a factor of five.

  • He only attacks once per 5 rounds.
  • He becomes incredibly easy to hit: 5x bonus on all attacks rolls against him
  • His attacks very easy to dodge: 1/5 modifier on all his attack rolls
Time to Cast 1 seconds (minor action)
Difficulty 5
MP cost 10
Duration 1 minute
Range 10 meters
Prerequisite Slow Time

Slow Projectile

Causes a single inanimate object in motion to enter a slowed time state 10 x slower than normal. Makes it quite easy to avoid getting hit by said object.

Time to Cast 1 second
Difficulty 10
MP cost 1
Duration 10 seconds
Range unlimited
Prerequisite Slow Opponent


Cause yourself or a friend to act quicker than normal, by a factor of n, where n = (MP spent)/5. In other words, you pay 5*n to make that person move at n times faster. This affects only one characters. Essentially, this gives that character extra time to think, plan, or perform actions.

If used during combat, this gives the affected character only n Major actions and n minor actions per turn. A more even way to distribute these extra actions is to intersperse them with other player (and enemy) turns, I.E. the caster gets n turns per round, rather than n actions per turn.

Time to Cast 1 second (minor action)
Difficulty 10
MP cost 10 to 25
Power 2 to 5
Duration 1 minute
Prerequisite Slow Time

Fast Attack

A cheaper version of Quicken but can be used on self only, during combat only, and lasts for only one round. You get 3 attacks (Major actions) per turn.

Time to Cast 1 second (minor action)
Difficulty 10
MP cost 3
Duration 1 combat round
Prerequisite Quicken

Fast Cast

Reduces the Time To Cast of any other spell, for use during combat. Successful Fast Cast lets you immediately cast ANY other spell during this round, regardless of it's TTC.

Time to Cast this + the other spell take entire turn
Difficulty 20
MP cost 10
Duration 1 combat round
Prerequisite Quicken

Fast Travel

Allows you and your party to travel long distances in half the time. You can walk 10 leagues (a standard days travel) in half a day instead of all day, or you can walk 20 leagues in a day, rather than the standard 10 leagues per day. Note that the same amount of energy is spent per league so the characters will be very tired after walking 20 leagues.

Time to Cast 1 minute
Difficulty 10
MP cost 10
Duration 1 day
Prerequisite Quicken

Fold Time

You fold time, bringing another instant of time close to your current instant, so that you can peer into it, and view the actions of that instant. The caster experiences a vision in a trance-like state. This does not fold space, only time, therefore, you must be in the same physical location (relative to the center of the planet)

The difficulty of this spell is determining which instant in space-time to “grab”. You must know some very specific information about the moment, in order to “locate” it. It is POSSIBLE to sorta just guess, but you will VERY likely end up with an unintended instant (chosen by GM). It is highly recommended to cast one of the Grab Past/Grab Future spells first (must be cast separately), to “nail down” the desired moment, then Fold Time to access that moment.

NOTE: Learning Fold Time, includes learning all the Grab Past/Grab Future spells.

Time to Cast 10 seconds
Difficulty 10
MP cost 10
Duration 1 minute (10 MP per additional minute)
Prerequisite Quicken, Fold Space

Grab Past; own past

It is relatively easy to grab an instant from the past if you were present at that instant.

If you knew Eidetic, at the desired moment, lower Difficulty to 7, and MP to 3.

If you had previously cast Eidetic, at the desired moment, retrieving it now is a free action!

Time to Cast 1 minute
Difficulty 10
MP cost 5
Duration 1 minute
Prerequisite Quicken

Grab Past; 2nd hand

It is more difficult to grab an instant from the past, if you have only second hand knowledge of the event, such as the location and people present. The more information you have, the better your chance of grabbing the desired moment. Difficulty and MP cost range from 10 to 30, depending on information available, at the discretion of the GM.

Time to Cast 1 minute
Difficulty 10-30
MP cost 10-30
Duration 1 minute
Prerequisite Quicken, Detect Truth

Grab Past; Fourier

You can use Fourier Capture to “scan the past” for an exact quote from the moment. If the original speaker is personally known to you (such that you can recognize his voice), half the cost of this spell

Time to Cast 1 minute
Difficulty 10
MP cost 6
Duration 1 minute
Prerequisite Quicken, Fourier Capture

Grab Future

Folding from the future is considerably more difficult. The more information you have, the better your chance of grabbing the desired moment. MP cost is 20, and difficulty ranges from 25 to 35 depending on information available, at the discretion of the GM.

Time to Cast 1 minute
Difficulty 25-35
MP cost 20
Duration 1 minute
Prerequisite Quicken, Fold Space, Inspect Hidden Object

Grab Future; Fourier

You might be lucky enough to be able to use Fourier in rare cases where there is a very good chance of someone saying a very specific phrase that you are aware of. In that case difficulty drops to 15, IF they actually do say exactly what you think they are going to say.

Time to Cast 1 minute
Difficulty 15
MP cost 20
Duration 1 minute
Prerequisite Quicken, Fold Space, Fourier Capture

Time Travel

You fold time, bringing another instant of time onto your current instant, then you transfer onto that other instant. Your location in space does not change, only your time. This is a one way ticket. You will not “snap back” to your original time. If you want to return you have to attempt the spell again. (The shrewd time-traveler will use a catch phrase and sonic signature). The actual “action” part works the same as teleporting, so it is a prerequisite, even though we do not move through space.

Time to Cast 1 minute
Difficulty 20
MP cost 20
Prerequisite Fold Time, Teleport

Time-Space Travel

Same as time travel, but you also move in space. This is really hard. You have to locate the correct spot in time, and the correct spot in space, and fold them both, then “step through” space-time.

Time to Cast 1 minute
Difficulty 25
MP cost 20
Prerequisite Time Travel


Chronoclone allows you to bring future versions of yourself to the present, so that multiples of you can work together to accomplish a task or fight a battle.

It works by folding a chunk of future time into an accordion shape, overlapping with the current moment. Then, the copies of you from each fold, jump onto the current moment. Since you are you , you basically can read each others minds, and can work together really awesomely. In combat situations you get great flanking and synchronized attack opportunities.

Some technical details: The number of, and duration of, the accordion folds must be pre-selected. This will determine the duration and cost of the spell. The “source time chunk” must also be preselected. The total amount of time occupied by the folds must be accounted for as the copies will disappear from your own future at a specific time, for that same duration.

For example, lets say you choose to make 10 folds of 1 minute each, and you pull them from a source time beginning one hour from now. You cast the spell, and suddenly there are 10 of you. You can gang up on your enemy for 1 minute, then the clones suddenly disappear, and you are left alone. 59 minutes later, you suddenly disappear and cease to exist for 10 minutes. The 10 “future you”s have already existed in your past, but the time went back with them, so for you, this ten minute chunk of time now does not exist.

It is possible to leave the source time unspecified; however, this leaves it to the discretion of the GM who may decide to settle the time accounts at a very inopportune future moment.

Time to Cast instantaneous (technically it takes 1 minute, but we can defer that minute until the accounting)
Difficulty 15
MP cost 20
Duration choose
Prerequisite Fast Attack, Fold Time, Teleport


Calculus. Divide by time. Essentially, you slice time up into infinitesimally thin slices, and slip into a trance-like state where everything is represented by values of slopes of curves at each point. Practically speaking, you know the rate of speeds, accelerations, frequencies, and anything else that can be represented in the form of x/s (something per second).

Time to Cast 1 minute
Difficulty 25
MP cost 10
Prerequisite Fold Time, Fourier Transform


More calculus. Multiply by time. Essentially, you slice time up into infinitesimally thin slices, and slip into a trance-like state where everything is represented by the area under a curves. Riiiight. Why would you need to do this? I have no idea. My math teacher swore I would need to use it someday. If you can figure out a good use, let me know.

Time to Cast 1 minute
Difficulty 30
MP cost 15
Prerequisite Differential

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