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Time to Cast

Time to Cast (hereafter known as TTC) is the amount of time required to cast a certain spell. The There are two primary factors determining TTC.

  1. the complexity of the spell itself. It is assumed that there are many details to remember, and some details may require a quick glance at the grimoire to refresh the caster's memory.
  2. the way the information (contained in the grimoire and the caster's mind) interacts with the physical world. For example, compare the 2 following closely related spells detect hidden object, and inspect hidden object
**Detect Hidden Object** (scan a room for hidden objects)
Time to Cast	1 minute
Difficulty	10
MP cost	10

**Inspect Hidden Object** (inspect details of a hidden object whose location is known)
Time to Cast	10 seconds
Difficulty	10
MP cost	3

It takes much longer to cast Detect, because you have to search all around to find it.

Optional rules: Because of point 1 above, a GM might be tempted to, at his discretion, impose a requirement for spells of TTC >= 1 minute, such that they require a free hand, to facilitate grimoire handling. However, this is not recommended because the TTC may be due to physical interaction time (point 2 above) rather than spell complexity.

goldensword/magic/time_to_cast.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/03 16:27 by

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