Brought up on a diet of Tolkien and Le Guin from Rochdale’s public libraries, Lee Garratt is currently a middle-aged teacher living in Derbyshire, England. He writes a variety of poetry and prose and his work can be found in various publications including ‘Star Line’ and the previous editions of ‘Eccentric Orbits’. He has had two collections of his short stories and poetry published by Dimensionfold Publishing: ‘New Worlds’ and ‘Other Lands, Distant Times’ as well as a fantasy YA novella, ‘Remains’. He has also written a political non-fiction book entitled, ‘Labour, the anti-semitism crisis and the destroying of an MP’.
Remains – Post-apocalyptic novella
Other Times, Distant Lands – poetry
New Worlds – poetry
Lee is featured in volume 1 and 2 of Eccentric Orbits: An Anthology of Sci-Fi Poems
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