Ken appears regularly along with many Special Guests on the Dimensionfold Youtube channel

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Here’s a partial list of some other podcasts, magazine, channels, etc. Ken has guested on:
(Want to add your channel to the list? see Booking Ken)
- Mark Eddy ties all my books together
- Robert Kalil’s Typical Skeptic: Fermi, Atrahasis, & More (this is one of my best shows IMHO)
- Jim Harold’s UFO Encounters: Why Fermi’s Paradox Is Bullshit
- Stan Mallow’s Paranormal Yakker
- With Richard Syrett: Fermi’s Paradox and Life On Other Planets
- Mystic Times with Rafa Martinelli: UFOs in the Bible, Star Wars & the Unified Field of Oneness
- Typical Skeptic Youtube: Anunnaki “ME’s”, Simulation, DNA, & Spiritual Experiences
- Jeff Lippman’s Garden Of Doom podcast
- Spaced Out Radio Youtube: Theology and UFOlogy
- 3 Beards podcast: UFOs In The Bible
- the Forbidden Knowledge Network Youtube: Evidence of Biblical ET & Interdimensional Contact
- the Jim Harold show podcast
- Everything Imaginable podcast
- The Leak Project podcast
- Typical Skeptic Youtube: the Enuma Elish and UFOs In The Bible
- Typical Skeptic Youtube: Magic In The Bible
- Ancient Origins Magazine: June 2021 – Magic In The Bible
- Dark Sun Radio: Magic In The Bible
- Page Turning Priestess Youtube review/walkthrough: Magic In The Bible
- The Sci-Fi Roundtable podcast: Ancient Aliens
- The Sci-Fi Roundtable podcast: Time Travel