I am the author of several books, including UFOs In the Bible, Before Roswell, and Fermi’s Paradox is Bullshit. I have also authored commentaries on two of the major Sumerian creation myths, the Enuma Elish, and the Atrahasis Epic, and am the lead translator and commentator for the Bara Bible, a completely new Old Testament translation like nothing you have seen before, based on a fresh etymological deep dive into the original ancient Hebrew texts. I have also written a couple of novels and a lot of poetry just for fun.
As a professional systems analyst, I have come to realize that any system is only as good as its data, and that one of the key factors in data quality is consistency. While my degree from the University of Northern British Columbia is in computer science, I minored in anthropology, and have studied a broad range of other topics including physics and electronics engineering at the College of New Caledonia and Vancouver Island University, religion and philosophy at Briercrest College, and business administration at the University of British Columbia. These further studies cemented the fact that there exists a set of universally consistent patterns, the true essence of which we have only scratched the surface of. Even with our limited understanding, we have developed truly miraculous technologies and have come to understand our place in the universe as a unique one.
However, the consistent story that is becoming more and more evident is that this uniqueness may be somewhat misinformed. The big picture of patterns emerging from phenomenology, mythology, archaeology, astronomy, and physics is beginning to form an emergent view of consistency across these varied disciplines – a view where modern man is not the pinnacle of creation as we have been led to believe.
My writing thus far has endeavored to begin exploring some of the puzzle pieces, in a way that is consistent with an overarching paradigm that includes seemingly disparate views. It is my hope to continue to bring these viewpoints one step closer together, with an eventual goal of possibly integrating more of them in an explicit way. So far, I am working with a lot of hints, but each of these hints is solidly evidence based. The more I dig, the more amazed I become at where the evidence seems to lead, but only when we have defined a more complete and widespread dataset can we truly draw meaningful conclusions with a foundation stronger than speculation. It is my dream that soon the evidence will coagulate in a truly meaningful and incontrovertible manner, and it is to this end that I will continue to aim my efforts.
Please subscribe to my free substack channel for occasional articles on topics including but not limited to conceptual ancient mythology and ancient alien theory… or whatever else catches my eye.
You may also like to catch a couple of My Appearances on other channels, or read a couple articles I wrote for Ancient Origins Magazine.
I am the host of the Dimensionfold Youtube channel featuring discussions on many fascinating subjects and interviews with authors, researchers, alien abductees and paranormal witnesses. Want to be on the show or host Ken on your podcast or youtube channel to talk about these things? Click Here

Is there life in space? Mainstream science is converging on a positive answer. So why are people still talking about the so-called Fermi paradox?
We examine the evidence for some important questions: Is there water beyond our little blue ball? Is there life in space? If so, what do we know about it? Where is everybody? Have they already arrived?

The famous Roswell incident is, in the perspective of many, the origin of what we have come to know as the UFO phenomenon, or in recent times, “the UAP threat”. Roswell was indeed a major turning point in terms of public awareness as well as government involvement, at least in the USA. But it didn’t start at Roswell. The public view of UFOs beginning in 1947 is merely a continuation of longstanding phenomenological patterns. An abundance of historical UFO sightings exists, from long before Roswell, working back through the centuries into antiquity and beyond. No anomalous phenomena is as enduring through the ages, more witnessed and reported, or more discussed and debated than the UFO phenomenon.

Ken examines the strange tales of our extraterrestrial origins in his books UFOs In The Bible, and his commentary on the ancient Akkadian/Sumerian Enuma Elish & Atrahasis Epic

Ken’s latest novel, (cowritten with his son Solomon) Munchausen By Proxy For Fun And Profit is a hilarious coming-of-age dark-comedy in which Luke and Sylvia find themselves on a slippery slope into a life of crime selling over the counter drugs on the black market.

Follow Ken on GoodReads and on Facebook, or visit Ken’s Amazon Author Page
Ken also writes poetry and sci-fi. See below.