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Space Spells

Space spells can be handy for a variety of everyday uses. Whether it's simply finding your stolen change purse, or taking a shortcut through the dungeon wall, or shrinking that huge dragon down to the size of a mouse.


The caster knows the exact dimensions of a nearby object or the room they are in, in any chosen spatial units.

Time to Cast 5 seconds
Difficulty 5
MP cost 1
Prerequisite none

Analyze Space

The caster becomes intimately aware of the exact locations, contents, and active processes within of a small area of space nearby.

Time to Cast 5 seconds
Difficulty 10
MP cost 3
Power n/a
Duration 1 minute
Range 2 meters
Prerequisite Detect Hidden Object

Locate Object

Determine the whereabouts of a certain known object (or person). Exact object must be known - either has been seen in detail or certain very specific and unique attributes are known.

Time to Cast 5 second
Difficulty 10
MP cost 1
Range unlimited
Prerequisite Analyze Space, Detect Hidden Object

This spell works in two modes, Read and Write. Once cast, you can switch modes effortlessly. The effect lasts ten minutes.

In Write mode, for the next ten minutes, you leave an invisible trail of magical markers. They last a long time, gradually fading out over about a month. The breadcrumbs are invisible, and can only be detected by this same spell in Read mode.

In Read mode, you see all breadcrumbs within about 3 meters, including ones you just left, and any old ones up to about a month old.

Time to Cast 5 second
Difficulty 10
MP cost 5
Duration 10 minutes
Range 3 meters
Prerequisite Locate Object

Existing breadcrumb markers can be read from up to “n” meters away, where “n”=1/3 MP spent. For example, a range of 10 meters will cost 30 MP. Whereas a range of 3 meters will cost 9 MP.

This version is recommended if you are in an open area such as forests, deserts, or very wide hallways, etc.

Time to Cast 5 second
Difficulty 15
MP cost 3 MP per meter
Duration 10 minutes
Range dependent on MP spent
Prerequisite Breadcrumb

Bend Space

Manipulate an area of space so that a straight line becomes bent. Can be used defensively to reduce chances of being hit. -1 to hit on melee attacks, -3 on ranged attacks.

Time to Cast 1 second (minor action)
Difficulty 10
MP cost 5
Power n/a
Duration 1 minute
Range 2 meters
Prerequisite Analyze Space, Alter Force

Fold Space

The caster manipulates the fabric of space-time, drawing another location to touch his current location. Can be handy for Remote View & Bug , or can be followed up with Teleport

Time to Cast 1 minute
Difficulty 20
MP cost 15
Power n/a
Duration 2 minutes
Range infinite
Prerequisite Bend Space

Loosen Space

Manipulate the area of space around an object so that exact location, size, and shape become less defined. Can be cast onto a weapon to improve chances of hitting target (+3 Attack to roll), but with -1 Damage reduction.

Time to Cast 1 second (minor action)
Difficulty 10
MP cost 3
Power n/a
Duration 1 minute
Range 1 meter
Prerequisite Analyze Space, Alter Force


You offset the location of any object by up to 10 meters in any one EXACT direction, that is, either north, south, west, east, up, or down.

Time to Cast 1 second (minor action)
Difficulty 15
MP cost 10
Prerequisite Loosen Space


Your location becomes unstable. Handy for combat. Basically, you keep bouncing around within an area of approximately 2 square meters. This makes you VERY hard to hit, but also makes it somewhat harder for you to hit targets.

-5 to any Enemy's Attack Roll against you (melee, ranged, or magic) -2 to Your melee or ranged Attack Roll (does not affect your magic attack spells)

Time to Cast 1 second (minor action)
Difficulty 15
MP cost 10
Power n/a
Duration 1 minute
Prerequisite Loosen Space

Pass Through

Two objects can not occupy the same space at the same time - or can they? Yes, now they can! This spell can be used to pass an object through another object. For example, you could push an inanimate object through a wall. However, this spell cannot be used to move a living being through an object. For that, you must use Walk Through Walls

Time to Cast 5 second
Difficulty 10
MP cost 5
Power n/a
Duration 1 minute
Range contact
Prerequisite Loosen Space, Arrange Molecules, Alter Force

Walk Through Walls

You can walk through walls or enable someone else to walk through walls. Also works on floors and ceilings, rocks, trees, or other objects.

Time to Cast 5 second
Difficulty 15
MP cost 10
Power n/a
Duration 1 minute
Range contact
Prerequisite Pass Through


Instantly teleport an object or person from one location to another specific location. It is accomplished by folding space so that the two locations exist parallel to each other in space-time, then stepping across or pushing the object into the other space.

A similar effect can be achieved through different means by using Portals. See Transport Object for details.

Time to Cast 1 minute
Difficulty 30
MP cost 20
Range anywhere within the universe, but not into the beyond
Prerequisite Fold Space


Scale up or scale down an object by a factor of n. Multiply or divide an objects size by n for n MP.

The tricky part here is that in order to make something bigger, matter must be added. This can be accomplished using several methods:

  1. moving the matter from somewhere else within the universe, in which case you need only locate the correct material, then Teleport (cast separately) it.
  2. moving the matter from the beyond, in which case you would need the right kind of material and you would need to have a “thread” to that material (see examine portal). Requires Retrieve Object cast separately.
  3. creating matter, by converting Energy to Matter (cast separately).

Making something smaller, is slightly easier. Again there are several methods:

  1. moving the extra matter to somewhere else within the universe, in which case you can either specify a particular place or choose a random location, then Teleport (cast separately) it.
  2. Banish (cast separately) the extra matter.
  3. destroy the extra matter, by converting it to energy. Requires Matter to Energy cast separately..
  4. Whatever. Just leave the extra matter here as a byproduct. Requires Arrange Molecules
Time to Cast 5 second
Difficulty 30
MP cost multiply or divide by n for n MP; eg. double or half size for 2 MP, 5x for 5 MP etc.
Power multiply or divide by n, limited only by how much MP is available
Duration until explicitly resized again
Range 10 meters
Prerequisite Analyze Space, Arrange Molecules AND any of the prerequisites listed in the chosen option method descriptions above, each of which must be cast separately

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